RMHM 2009 page 3
Last days of the trip: August 6-7
"Amen I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to Me…" (Mt 25,40)
The start of the walk towards the jungle village under a torrential rain. |
Indeed they knew of the existence of these most forgotten ones, those of the tribe of the Aetas, true Filipino pigmies.
The cross and the rosary: often the only source of strength in a difficult life. |
She eventually built for the 108 families of this tribe some care center, teaching them spiritual and religious values, educating them in hygiene, awakening their talents in various crafts, training them to develop agriculture, and even obtaining from the local mayor free spots at the market to sell their products.
In spite of the fracture of a finger, Dr. Dichard continued treating his patients under the gratefeful eye of Sr. Eva. |
It is under one of these many typhoons which are part of Philippine life that the French volunteers, accompanied by the always present Xeryl and Andrew, went to deliver the 500kg of rice purchased at the nearest market. But here, no roads… only a dirt path leads one to the isolated village. The carabao, Filipino water buffalo, pulled on a bamboo sledge part of the rice, the few boxes of medicine… and a suitcase… Volunteers roll up their cassocks or trousers and took off under the deluge of mud and water.
The welcome was rich with simple and genuine gentleness. Doctors and pharmacists got to work immediately. Thus more than 50 patients were seen in a few hours enabling the discovery of an anemia and the prescription of many vitamins.
The mission pharmacy was again in operation. |
Fr. Castel distributed some chocolate to all the little hands stretched towards him… Some children sang a song for us, a couple did a simple dance, and the ACIM team also joined in with some French songs.
Fr. Castel offering chocolate to these smiling children. |
Hunger: their main illness. |
At 2.00 am, the carabao finally reached the road with the load of bags. |
The Rosa Mystica Medical Mission #3 ended in great joy and with the desire to return.
For this year, we served a total of 3,220 beneficiaries. Deo gratias!
Thank you, Rosa Mystica! Don’t forget us! Come back! |