RMHM 2007 PAGE 2


Two American doctors came to our help with the patients...

...and with the tents

Fr. Dolotina in front of the big streamer of the Mission and with members of the Legion of Mary who were a tremendous help for this true apostolate.

The group of nursing students who were absolutely necessary

Dr. Angeles Francisco, volunteer dentist from Manila, Philippines

A Filipino soldier in his Jeep with a rosary hanging on the mirror

Volunteers at the end of the 5-day free clinics


Dr. Eun Mi Kim with her daughter Bridget came from Seoul.

A key worker of the Mission, Xavier Losco, a French medical student.

Free day. In the evening, all the members of the team gather in a good restaurant for a last meal together.


First Regional Bioethic Congress.
More than 800 nursing students came to the Congress

Twice during the Mission a National TV channel came to report on our doing.

Total beneficiaries for the 6 days medical mission is 2,150.

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